Curses Removal Video Coding

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Curses are the purposeful energetic intent to destroy something with words and intention. Many people think about curses in the old fashioned sense of a witch and her pot of boiling frog’s eyes, which in some sense holds some truth and there are “dark avatars” so to speak, who have mastery over certain levels of energy, but they are not Christed-level beings and they use their multidimensional powers for ill intent.

Because of this many of us have powerful curses placed upon us by forces that been entangled with our missions on Earth for a very long time. During this curse removal webcast Lana and I will extract any and all curses placed upon each individual, no matter how powerful. Those distortions will be eliminated from your field and existence forever. This will be very liberating and empowering in ways that are beyond most people’s understanding -- as the removal of all curses will be a massive relief from conscious directive action that is working against you and your Higher Self missions.

The curse thing goes deeper than that though. In addition to powerful, dark, and directive action, we are all cursing ourselves and each other all the time, sort of casually. There is a reason they are called curse words. Shouting “Hey, fuck you!” or saying “Go to Hell” to someone is literally distorting their field and your field, and the more you consciously try to imprint that frequency on that person, the more you are literally cursing them into that state of being.

This means that not only do you have curses placed upon you, but you also have placed curses upon others. Maybe you have even spent some time in a lifetime very consciously cursing other people, or maybe you just curse others during your daily commute to work. Either way, you are wrapped up with curses in one way or another.

In The Power of Curses: Protection, Prevention & Removal webcast Lana and I will remove all curses ever placed upon your field by any level of being. We will then protect your field from ever having curses placed upon it by any level being ever. Then we will remove all curses you have ever placed upon another, either consciously or by accident, and protect you from ever being able to curse another’s field, or your own ever again.

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Curses Removal Video Coding

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